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Ballet, spirituality & visual poetry
Wolken bei Sonnenuntergang


Alaxpacha or Arajpacha (Aymara): it is the dimension where the most sacred spirits are found, those who, for physical reasons, are located farthest from the community. Such as the high peaks of the mountains, the celestial vault, and everything that is found there.


Studio Alaxpacha is a creative and artistic studio that specializes in producing works of art that fuse ballet, spirituality, and visual poetry. Our productions are imbued with a deep sense of purpose, seeking to avoid the Artist Ego and connect with the divine through intense research.

At Studio Alaxpacha, we create visual poetry telling the stories of our deepest shadows, and how that same shadow brought us to the light.

As the founder of Studio Alaxpacha, I am driven by a deep commitment to transformation and a passion for exploring the intersections of spirituality and artistic expression. My artistic vision is grounded in the belief that ballet has the power to elevate our consciousness and connect us to the divine. Through my work, I seek to create bridges of dialogue between different cultures, religions and spiritualities. Because the energy of love is universal and will always transcend semantics, boundaries and rationality.

materializing cosmic messages


Spiritual Alchemy

Our visual poetry is based in real spiritual paths. We transform the deepest pain from our souls into light and love. Dance can only heal when our Egos don't interfere. Our commitment is with Spirit, and not with victimism.


Our view on Ballet

Through a specific algorythm of technical body work, ballet transforms our bodies in ways we cannot even imagine. We can then express ourselves in any other dance style. Especially folk dances, which are in deep connection with ancestral practices


Shadow integration

Light cannot be appreciated without the shadow. Studio Alaxpacha comprehends shadow beyond the concept of Evil. As our aymara and quechua ancestors saw the Cosmos: dualities that confront themselves in a third party. 


Eclectic techniques

From Tarot to Coca leaves readings. Indigenous aymara and quechua cosmology, as well as astrology and even Human Design. Our spiritual knowledge is our biggest asset. Without it, we wouldn't be able to alchemize our deepest wounds.

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Souls For Sale.00_03_59_04.Standbild009.jpg

Discover the previous work that lead to the founding of Studio Alaxpacha

Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

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